Rabbits are happiest if they have a companion rabbit as they are social animals. They are very inquisitive, and love to dig and chew. Particular care should be taken to prevent a rabbit being left unsupervised out of their hutch, especially around electrical equipment. Rabbits can be kept as solely indoor animals, and can be toilet trained, or they can be kept outside either in a hutch or free-ranging, or a combination of the two. Rabbits enjoy being kept busy and playing, and with some gentle perseverance can even be trained to do tricks! The average lifespan of a rabbit is 5-8 years.
Pet rabbits should be handled every day from a young age. Long haired rabbits should be groomed regularly and all rabbits should be checked to ensure their bottoms and feet are clean from faeces.
Rabbits pass two different types of stools, overnight they pass large soft stools which they then eat – this is normal and healthy for them to do so! During the day they should be frequently passing tiny little dry balls of faeces. If your rabbit stops defecating or eating for several hours this may be a sign they are sick, and should be checked at the clinic.
The most common cause of rabbit disease and illness is inappropriate diet which is often too low in fibre and too high in sugars and fats. Poor diet can lead to dental disease and unhealthy guts – both of which can be potentially life threatening for rabbits. Both food and water should always be fresh, and dishes cleaned daily. Sudden changes of diet should always be avoided since this can cause problems with digestion.
Consider what a rabbit eats in the wild – we recommend a high fibre diet that is rich in good quality hay, some fresh vegetables and a very small amount of pellets (consider pellets to be a like treat or a vitamin supplement).
HAY: We recommend at least 75% of your rabbit’s diet be a high quality grass hay (such as Ox Bow Premium Timothy Hay). Other types of hay such as lucerne or clover are unsuitable for rabbits due to their high calcium contents, which may predispose to urinary problems, as well as being too high in protein, which can discourage the rabbit from eating their cecotrophs (the soft night time faeces) which are an important part of healthy digestion.
GREENS: We recommend that 15% of your rabbit’s diet be a mix of fresh green vegetables such as endive, spinach, alfalfa sprouts or box choi. Stick to two or three types rather than a large variety so not to upset their sensitive digestive tracts. Fruits or sweet vegetables such as strawberry, banana, apple & carrot should be considered as “treats” and given only once or twice per week.
PELLETS: Only 5% of your rabbit’s diet should supplied as a high energy mix. We recommend a premium pelleted food (such as Ox Bow) as this eliminates selective feeding on high fat seeds and molasses coated chaff such as can occur in mixed grain feeds.
Rabbits require a minimum of 100-150 ml of water per kilogram body weight per day, and more water should obviously be provided on hot days.
Please speak to our staff for more advice on the ideal balanced rabbit diet.
Housing your rabbit correctly is important for their well being. If using a hutch we recommend a wooden hutch rather than steel as it won’t get as hot in summer. Size is also important as rabbits like to run and need space to stretch out.
Ensure your hutch is fox proof and insect proof. The latter is particularly important in warmer months as mosquitoes can transmit deadly viruses such as Myxomatosis and Calicivirus between rabbits. There is currently no cure and no vaccine available in Australia for myxomatosis but there is an effective vaccination for Calicivirus.
Wire floors are not ideal as they can injure your rabbit’s feet. There should be some solid flooring for your rabbit to stand on.
We recommend your enclosure has a separate enclosed area for sleeping. Bedding options include straw, hay or wood shavings (not treated pine).
Rabbits make great indoor free range pets! Just be sure to keep them away from electrical cords and “bunny proof” your house.
There is currently no vaccination available for Myxomatosis in Australia.
Reduce the risk of infection by controlling mosquitoes (which spread Myxomatosis). Use insectproof netting or wire at dusk & dawn, citronella candles and eliminate stagnant water as they are breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Alternatively, keep your rabbit housed indoors.
Calicivirus Vaccination:
Calicivirus causes a highly fatal haemorrhagic disease in rabbit. Calicivirus is prevalent in the Australian wild rabbit population and has been an approved population control strategy since 1996.
Calicivirus is transmitted in urine, faeces, respiratory secretions, and on fomites (cage, clothing, footwear, dirt, bowls etc surviving for 1 month). It is also thought that flies and other insects can transmit the virus mechanically. Vaccination is recommended for all pet rabbits, including house rabbits. We recommend vaccinating your rabbit at 10-12 weeks of age with a booster 2-4 weeks later and then every 6-12 months for continued immunity.
It is strongly recommended that you have your rabbit desexed. This should be done when your rabbit is at least 6 months of age.
Female rabbits have a very high incidence of uterine cancer, up to 80% of un-desexed female rabbits will be affected by age 5 – 6 years. Speying your female rabbit removes the uterus thus prevents this inevitably fatal disease. Female rabbits can also be quite grumpy and speying them can improve their temperament!
Male rabbits can be territorial. Having your male rabbit castrated will prevent many behavioural problems.
Desexing your rabbits will also prevent unwanted pregnancies!
Unlike dogs and cats, rabbits should never be fasted before surgery. If your rabbit is coming into the hospital for the day please bring a small supply of their regular diet including fresh vegetables and if possible please include fresh parsley as it’s great for rabbits digestive tract.
If you rabbit has a companion please talk to us about their friend accompanying them into the hospital too – it can help to reduce stress significantly.