There are many health and age-related reasons why a pet owner may have to make the difficult decision to euthanise a beloved pet, but most of the time there is a common theme – quality of life.
In most situations, it is up to us as owners to decide when it is time to farewell our pets, and because of the strong emotional bond that forms between an animal and their family, making this decision can cause a barrage of feelings including grief, guilt and confusion.
In some situations the decision for an owner is a clear and straightforward one, making it a little less difficult. For others it may be more complex and hard to know when the “right time” actually is. Our team feel that our pets deserve compassion and dignity, quality of life and a peaceful farewell, and it is our responsibility to guide you into making this decision at the appropriate time.
If you are unsure about your pets quality of life and overall health we suggest having a thorough health check followed by an empathetic but honest and open discussion on all the options available for your pet. Our team can assist you to create the best health plan for your pet which may include how to recognise when it is time to make that final decision. This conversation may seem a little confronting, however it can alleviate the struggle you may be feeling in trying to know when to make the decision.
When the time comes you can be assured that the process itself is painless for your pet. We begin by giving your pet a very small injection of a sedative. This medication will calm and relax your pet, making the procedure less stressful for them and for you. Once this stage has occurred and you are ready, we will administer a overdose of an anaesthetic agent via intravenous injection. This has a very rapid effect, and your pet will pass away peacefully generally within a minute of the second injection.
We encourage owners to stay with pets (and we provide plenty of tissues and support) however if you cannot be present we also understand. It is most important that you are able to have the time required to be able to properly grieve and farewell your furry or feathered friend. In order to allow this, we try to arrange euthanasia appointments to be extended visits. If possible it may be less stressful for you to make the appointment in a quieter period of the day, such as the last appointment for the evening or morning.
With notice we also offer the option of house-call euthanasia visits.
After your pet passes away you have some options regarding their remains. If you cannot bury your pet at home we can arrange burial for you. Private cremation is also a popular choice, with ashes returned within 1-2 weeks from our excellent cremation service. We can guide you through all options and organise it all on your behalf.
As owners ourselves, our Team understands how difficult saying “Good-bye” to your pet can be. We understand the need for grieving and we want for you to feel comfortable to do so. When it comes to our pets, there are no silly questions and it’s important that you ask anything you need to. Our only goal is to ensure we are doing the best for your pet, while supporting you through this very sad time.